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what is idols?
idols is a comic series taking place in the near future, around 2053. The story in short: in mysterious circumstances a worldwide blackout happens. After that arrive the so-called “orbs” and 9 months later the “chims” are born. This is the moment where our story picks up and we get a glimpse at Zeus’s life with various flashbacks over the season. Season 1 Episode 1 (issue #1) is 28 pages long and will be presented in our official “AllStar size” which is 158 x 234 mm (6.22 x 9.25″) with thick protective matte cover & printed on premium paper inside and out.
You get this amazing main cover by Hungarian artist Artur Varai if you back the project on any normal levels or digitally.
read a preview of the first few pages _ download
who are the idols?
In the year 2053 people are still living their everyday life but a lot has changed over the past 30 years too. Religions barely exist and social media took over almost everything: politics, learning, ideals, beauty and even relationships. Everything is fake. Also nothing is fake if it’s on the internet. That makes it real for some. Influencers are being worshipped online and even offline too. A select few is taking advantage of this phenomenon and they name themselves “idols”.
what is special about idols?
idols will be told in seasons, not volumes like a regular comic series. The first season of idols will consist of 4-5 issues in various lengths with tons of extra material. idols will be a multimedia phenomenon that dances between the virtual world & our own reality. We already have the idols as live-action characters in our video above with their own music theme.
All physical copies of idols have an NFC (near-field communication) chip sticker on the inside front cover. All of the extra material will be written on that NFC-chip individually. Your copy will not only be signed but also dedicated to you by this unique chip. Don’t worry if you don’t have NFC-reader on your phone we’ll include a QR-code of the same data. We plan on releasing a new short film (like the campaign video) and hours of behind the scenes footage for our Backers for each Kickstarter campaign including this one.
who created idols?
idols was created by Milan Kovacs who backed over 400 campaigns on Kickstarter and so far successfully funded 4 campaigns: AllStar, GOTTHEM #1-2 & #3-4, SHAMAN.The concept began developing way back in 2018 and the series has been progressing and building up in these 5 years. Check out this interview with me in my native Hungarian (with English subtitles) put together by a national tv last year:
who is working on idols?
The interior art is done by Erno Juhasz (AllStar, GOTTHEM) with amazing colours by Petra Haasz (Samantha F*cks the World, The Last Arrival) who are a real-life couple and have been working together as an art-team for some time now.